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The Green Sachet Classic on Feng Shui

When the poor learn and use it, it can free them from poverty.

  • 8 hours
  • 5,000 Singapore dollars
  • SG

Service Description

青囊经 最早的风水典籍 The Green Sachet Classic- the earliest book on Feng Shui 第一本有文字记载的风水经书是秦末汉初黄石公所著的《青囊经》。在中国古代哲学体系下,《青囊经》确立了“风水学”的具体哲学思想和理论体系。黄石公以后的风水师们则在此理论体系下进行技术上解释和附会,并逐步使风水术驳杂、晦涩和神秘。 The first geomancy classic names "The Green Sachet Classic" (青囊经) is the very first book on Feng Shui and author by Huang Shi Gong (黄石公) during the early Qin秦 dynasty. "The Green Sachet Classic" doctrine was established and incorporated in the ancient Chinese philosopher's thought and mind as a fundamental theory that one should understand and practice. However, after Huang Shi Gong, the later Feng Shui master does not have the skill and ability to carry on his approach and system. Instead, they explain and make it confusing, contradicting, and complicated, and even resort to tricks. Thus, gradually it causes the theory and doctrine to be challenging to read, understand, and become mystical. 《青囊经》是全世界风水的核心,无论何种风水术,不论风水哪一派,如果脱离了《青囊经》的核心思想,就不为其风水,在中国是这样,在世界也是这样。换句话说,没有《青囊经》,世界上也就不会有风水术的存在。中华传统文化,应该走向世界,普及全球,打破国界和民族局限。期待有德之士将风水圣经《青囊经》明白解出,全盘公开,不再隐秘,造福世人。穷人用之,可以致富,恶人用之可以变善,让风水成为构建和谐环境的法宝,有益于人类的学问。 "The Green Sachet Classic" is the elite center of the world of Feng Shui, regardless of which school of thought they are from if they deviate from "The Green Sachet Classic" logic and thought, then they are not in line with the doctrine of the Feng Shui no matter which part of the world they may be. In other words, without "The Green Sachet Classic," Feng Shui does not exist. Therefore, the Chinese traditional culture will spread worldwide and penetrate the national boundaries and the race restriction. The world is in anticipation of the virtue scholar explaining and revealing "The Green Sachet Classic" without concealing the secret and helping to bring benefit to the common people. When the poor learn and use it, it can free them from poverty. After the wicked people use it, they will become kind. Let Feng Shui be the structure to harmonize the environment and let this knowledge become the treasure that can benefit humanity. Contact Us for booking and course schedule.

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  • Singapore


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