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The Truth Open-up and Materialize

The Scroll Two All things transform from within.

  • 8 hours
  • 3,000 Singapore dollars
  • SG

Service Description

Master Series: The Scroll Two 清气阳为天,杳杳而上冲乎阳;浊气阴为地,冥冥而下从其物。太虚之先升寂何有至精感微而真一生焉,真一运灵而元气自化,自化元气者,乃无中之有,有中之无,广不可量,微不可察,氤氲渐著,混漠无倪,万象之端,朕兆于此。于是有清通澄朗之气,化而为天;浊滞烦昧之气,积而为地。故清者自浊而澄,高者自下而上。天高而浮,地厚而沉。浮者有彰动之象,故为阳;沉者有寂没之理,故为阴。清者上腾高而纯阳,故充满;浊者下沉密而纯阴,故冥寂。而万物从化之,故冲于上者为阳,而生万物;沉于下者为阴,而成万物,然而实始于一者也。 The clear and positive gas rises to Heaven as Yang, and the deep, dark, and turbid negative gas flow down to form the Earth; thus, the dark and obscure gathers and moves below. All things on Earth move according to the wisdom of the universe. The universe rises in silence and carries with it the essence of life. From here, something was born, and this vital energy manifested from nothing. From the emptiness into something, and that something returns to the void. This knowledge is broad, vast, and cannot be measured. It is so tiny that it is unnoticeable. The thick and heavy gases dissipate the muddy, foul, stagnant, troubled, ignorant, and foolish gather and form the Earth. All the manifestation of nature end here, and the good and the bad omen begin to start here. The clear and bright gases rise and form Heaven, and the chaotic and stagnant gases gather and form the Earth. Suppress the chaotic gases, and the clear air will rise. Look from top to down and from the bottom up. The Heaven is high, and it floats, the Earth is thick, it sinks and submerges. Heaven gives the sign of command; therefore, it is Yang. The submerge have reason to keep silent; therefore, they are the Yin. The clear leaped high up and became pure Yang and energetic; the chaotic sank in secrecy and are pure Yin, thus, in silence. All things transform from within; the most crucial place forms at the top of the pillar as Yang, for the birth to occur, and what that sank is Yin that makes it all completed. It takes only one to start the journey. Course duration will be according to the student learning. Contact Us for booking and course schedule.

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  • Singapore


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